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【双语】你好!中国 | 比起西双版纳,更爱这座云南边陲小城!|芒市|腾冲|瑞丽|东南亚|云南省|自然景观|西双版纳嘎洒国际机场

发布日期:2025-01-03 17:43    点击次数:91

芒市,云南边境小城,与缅甸相交的东南亚风情城市。这里没有西双版纳的人头攒动,冬季25℃,每天都是阳光、椰树、电动车,悠闲自在。分分钟恍惚有种走在了东南亚的感觉。一定要来领略边陲小城的独特美景。Mengshi, a small city on the border of Yunnan Province, is a Southeast Asian-style city that borders Myanmar. It's not as crowded as Xishuangbanna, and the temperature stays at 25°C all year round. Every day is sunshine, coconut trees, and electric cars, with a relaxed atmosphere. You'll feel like you're in Southeast Asia in a minute! Be sure to come and experience the unique beauty of this border town.如果有一天你累了,那就来芒市小住几天,感受下一个边陲小城的慢生活,这里生活节奏非常慢,汽车开得很慢,电动车也很慢,日出很慢,日落也很慢。If you ever get tired, come and stay in Mengshi for a few days to experience the slow life of a border town. The pace of life here is very slow, cars drive slowly, electric cars are slow, sunrise and sunset are slow.因为临近东南亚,这里有东南亚的菜系、傣族、各种小吃和美食城,特别是烧烤在这里太受欢迎,芒市周围有个村子每家都卖烧烤。每隔2小时都能看到飞机从头顶划过,每天都是大太阳很舒服,早晚温差大一点,基本的温度都在25℃。Because it is close to Southeast Asia, it has Southeast Asian cuisine, Dai people, various snacks and food courts, especially barbecue is very popular here. There is a village near Mengshi where every family sells barbecue. You can see planes flying overhead every two hours, and it's always sunny and comfortable. The temperature is around 25°C in the morning and evening, with a slightly larger temperature difference.芒市,离周边小城很近,你还可以去腾冲、瑞丽等城市走一走,领略云南风情。Mengshi is close to other small towns, and you can also visit Tengchong, Ruili and other cities to experience the charm of Yunnan.责编:勾晓庆